Setup Accura OCR
To initialize sdk on app start:
RecogEngine recogEngine = new RecogEngine();
RecogEngine.SDKModel sdkModel = recogEngine.initEngine(your activity context);
if (sdkModel.i > 0) { // if license is valid
if (sdkModel.isMRZEnable) // RecogType.MRZ
if (sdkModel.isBankCardEnable) // RecogType.BANKCARD
if (sdkModel.isAllBarcodeEnable) // RecogType.BARCODE
// sdkModel.isOCREnable is true then get card list which you are selected on creating license
if (sdkModel.isOCREnable) List<ContryModel> modelList = recogEngine.getCardList(MainActivity.this);
if (modelList != null) { // if country & card added in license
ContryModel contryModel = modelList.get(selected country position);
contryModel.getCountry_id(); // getting country id
CardModel model = contryModel.getCards().get(0/*selected card position*/); // getting card
model.getCard_id() // getting card id
model.getCard_name() // getting card name
if (cardModel.getCard_type() == 1) {
// RecogType.PDF417
} else if (cardModel.getCard_type() == 2) {
// RecogType.DL_PLATE
} else {
// RecogType.OCR
Optional: Load License File Dynamically
If you prefer to place the license file dynamically, you can use the following method. This allows you to specify the license file path at runtime. For a demo of dynamic licensing, please refer to the dynamic_license_demo branch.
RecogEngine.SDKModel sdkModel = recogEngine.initEngine(activity, "your license filepath");
Update filters like below.
Call this function after initialize sdk if license is valid(sdkModel.i > 0)
Set Blur Percentage to allow blur on document
//0 for clean document and 100 for Blurry document recogEngine.setBlurPercentage(Context context, int /*blurPercentage*/50);
Set Face blur Percentage to allow blur on detected Face
// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face recogEngine.setFaceBlurPercentage(Context context, int /*faceBlurPercentage*/50);
Set Glare Percentage to detect Glare on document
// Set min and max percentage for glare recogEngine.setGlarePercentage(Context context, int /*minPercentage*/6, int /*maxPercentage*/98);
Set Hologram detection to verify the hologram on the face
// true to check hologram on face recogEngine.SetHologramDetection(Context context, boolean /*isDetectHologram*/true);
Set light tolerance to detect light on document
// 0 for full dark document and 100 for full bright document recogEngine.setLowLightTolerance(Context context, int /*tolerance*/30);
Set motion threshold to detect motion on camera document
// 1 - allows 1% motion on document and // 100 - it can not detect motion and allow document to scan. recogEngine.setMotionThreshold(Context context, int /*motionThreshold*/18);
Set CameraView
Must have to extend com.accurascan.ocr.mrz.motiondetection.SensorsActivity to your activity.
- Make sure your activity orientation locked from Manifest. Because auto rotate not support.
private CameraView cameraView;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (isPortrait) {
setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); // to set portarait mode
} else {
setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); // to set landscape mode
setContentView(R.layout.your layout);
// Recog type selection base on your license data
// As like RecogType.OCR, RecogType.MRZ, RecogType.PDF417, RecogType.DL_PLATE, RecogType.BANKCARD
RecogType recogType = RecogType.OCR;
cardId = CardModel.getCard_id();
cardName = CardModel.getCard_name();
countryId = ContryModel.getCountry_id();
// initialized camera
private void initCamera() {
//<editor-fold desc="To get status bar height">
Rect rectangle = new Rect();
Window window = getWindow();
int statusBarTop =;
int contentViewTop = window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getTop();
int statusBarHeight = contentViewTop - statusBarTop;
RelativeLayout linearLayout = findViewById(; // layout width and height is match_parent
cameraView = new CameraView(this);
if (recogType == RecogType.OCR || recogType == RecogType.DL_PLATE) {
// must have to set data for RecogType.OCR and RecogType.DL_PLATE
.setMinFrameForValidate(3/*minFrame*/); // Set min frame for qatar ID card for Most validated data. minFrame supports only odd numbers like 3,5...
} else if (recogType == RecogType.PDF417) {
// must have to set data RecogType.PDF417
if (recogType == RecogType.MRZ) {
// Also set MRZ document type to scan specific MRZ document
// 1. ALL MRZ document - MRZDocumentType.NONE
// 2. Passport MRZ document - MRZDocumentType.PASSPORT_MRZ
// 3. ID card MRZ document - MRZDocumentType.ID_CARD_MRZ
// 4. Visa MRZ document - MRZDocumentType.VISA_MRZ
// Pass 'all' for accepting MRZs of all countries
// or you can pass respective country codes of countries whose MRZ you want to accept. Eg:- 'IND', 'USA', 'TUN', etc.
.setView(linearLayout) // To add camera view
.setCameraFacing(0) // // To set selfie(1) or rear(0) camera.
.setOcrCallback(this) // To get feedback and Success Call back
.setStatusBarHeight(statusBarHeight) // To remove Height from Camera View if status bar visible
.setFrontSide() // or cameraView.setBackSide(); to scan card side front or back default it's scan front side first
// Option setup
// .setEnableMediaPlayer(false) // false to disable default sound and true to enable sound and default it is true
// .setCustomMediaPlayer(MediaPlayer.create(this, /*custom sound file*/)) // To add your custom sound and Must have to enable media player
.init(); // initialized camera
// To set barcode formate.
cameraView.setBarcodeFormat(int barcodeFormat); // access all type of BarcodeFormate from class
* To handle camera on window focus update
* @param hasFocus
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
if (cameraView != null) {
protected void onResume() {
protected void onPause() {
protected void onDestroy() {
* To update your border frame according to width and height
* it's different for different card
* Call {@link CameraView#startOcrScan(boolean isReset)} To start Camera Preview
* @param width border layout width
* @param height border layout height
public void onUpdateLayout(int width, int height) {
if (cameraView != null) cameraView.startOcrScan(false);
//<editor-fold desc="To set camera overlay Frame">
ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = borderFrame.getLayoutParams();
layoutParams.width = width;
layoutParams.height = height;
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lpRight = viewRight.getLayoutParams();
lpRight.height = height;
ViewGroup.LayoutParams lpLeft = viewLeft.getLayoutParams();
lpLeft.height = height;
* Override this method after scan complete to get data from document
* @param result is scanned card data
* result instance of {@link OcrData} if recog type is {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#OCR}
* or {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#DL_PLATE} or {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#BARCODE}
* result instance of {@link RecogResult} if recog type is {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#MRZ}
* result instance of {@link CardDetails} if recog type is {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#BANKCARD}
* result instance of {@link PDF417Data} if recog type is {@link com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#PDF417}
public void onScannedComplete(Object result) {
// display data on ui thread
Log.e("TAG", "onScannedComplete: ");
if (result != null) {
// make sure release camera view before open result screen
// if (cameraView != null) cameraView.release(true);
// Do some code for display data
if (result instanceof OcrData) {
if (recogType == RecogType.OCR) {
// @recogType is {@see com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#OCR}
if (isBack || !cameraView.isBackSideAvailable()) { // To check card has back side or not
OcrData.setOcrResult((OcrData) result); // Set data To retrieve it anywhere
} else {
isBack = true;
cameraView.setBackSide(); // To recognize data from back side too.
} else if (recogType == RecogType.DL_PLATE || recogType == RecogType.BARCODE) {
// @recogType is {@link RecogType#DL_PLATE} or recogType == {@link RecogType#BARCODE}
OcrData.setOcrResult((OcrData) result); // Set data To retrieve it anywhere
} else if (result instanceof RecogResult) {
// @recogType is {@see com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#MRZ}
RecogResult.setRecogResult((RecogResult) result); // Set data To retrieve it anywhere
} else if (result instanceof CardDetails) {
// @recogType is {@see com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#BANKCARD}
CardDetails.setCardDetails((CardDetails) result); // Set data To retrieve it anywhere
} else if (result instanceof PDF417Data) {
// @recogType is {@see com.docrecog.scan.RecogType#PDF417}
if (isBack || !cameraView.isBackSideAvailable()) {
PDF417Data.setPDF417Result((PDF417Data) result); // Set data To retrieve it anywhere
} else {
isBack = true;
cameraView.setBackSide(); // To recognize data from back side too.
} else Toast.makeText(this, "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
* @param titleCode to display scan card message on top of border Frame
* @param errorMessage To display process message.
* null if message is not available
* @param isFlip true to set your customize animation for scan back card alert after complete front scan
* and also used cameraView.flipImage(ImageView) for default animation
public void onProcessUpdate(int titleCode, String errorMessage, boolean isFlip) {
// make sure update view on ui thread
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (getTitleMessage(titleCode) != null) { // check
Toast.makeText(context, getTitleMessage(titleCode), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // display title
if (errorMessage != null) {
Toast.makeText(context, getErrorMessage(errorMessage), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // display message
if (isFlip) {
// To set default animation or remove this line to set your custom animation after successfully scan front side.
public void onError(String errorMessage) {
// display data on ui thread
// stop ocr if failed
Toast.makeText(this, errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private String getTitleMessage(int titleCode) {
if (titleCode < 0) return null;
switch (titleCode){
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT:// for front side ocr;
return String.format("Scan Front Side of %s", cardName);
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK: // for back side ocr
return String.format("Scan Back Side of %s", cardName);
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_OCR: // only for single side ocr
return String.format("Scan %s", cardName);
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT:// for front side MRZ, PDF417 and BankCard
if (recogType == RecogType.BANKCARD) {
return "Scan Bank Card";
} else if (recogType == RecogType.BARCODE) {
return "Scan Barcode";
} else
return "Scan Front Side of Document";
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK: // for back side MRZ and PDF417
return "Now Scan Back Side of Document";
case RecogEngine.SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE: // for DL plate
return "Scan Number Plate";
default:return "";
private String getErrorMessage(String s) {
switch (s) {
return "Keep Document Steady";
return "Keep document in frame";
return "Bring card near to frame.";
return "Processing...";
return "Blur detect in document";
return "Blur detected over face";
return "Glare detect in document";
return "Hologram Detected";
return "Low lighting detected";
return "Can not accept Photo Copy Document";
return "Face not detected";
return "MRZ not detected";
return "Passport MRZ not detected";
return "ID card MRZ not detected";
return "Visa MRZ not detected";
return "Scanning wrong side of document";
return "Document is upside down. Place it properly";
return s;
// After getting result to restart scanning you have to set below code onActivityResult
// when you use startActivityForResult(Intent, RESULT_ACTIVITY_CODE) to open result activity.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
if (requestCode == RESULT_ACTIVITY_CODE) {
Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); // To clear garbage
//<editor-fold desc="Call CameraView#startOcrScan(true) to scan document again">
if (cameraView != null) cameraView.startOcrScan(true);
Last updated