Add flutter_accurascan_kyc: 4.1.7 under dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file. Usage Import flutter library into file. import 'package:flutter_accurascan_kyc/flutter_accurascan_kyc.dart';
Setup Android
Add this permissions into Android’s AndroidManifest.xml file.
<string>App usage camera for scan documents.</string>
<string>App usage photos for get document picture.</string>
<string>App usage photos for save document picture.</string>
Setup Accura Scan licenses into your projects
Accura Scan has two license require for use full functionality of this library. Generate your own Accura license from here accuraface.license
This license is compulsory for this library to work. it will get all setup of accura SDK.
For Android
Create "assets" folder under app/src/main and Add license file in to assets folder.
- accuraface.license // for Accura Scan Face Match
To generate your Accura Scan license contact
For iOS
Place both the license in your project's Runner directory, and add the licenses to the target.