Setup Accura OCR

To initialize sdk on app start:

Setting up License

  accura.getMetadata(function (result) {
  }, function (error) {

Success: JSON String Response = { countries: Array[], barcodes: Array[], isValid: boolean, isOCREnable: boolean, isBarcodeEnable: boolean, isBankCardEnable: boolean, isMRZEnable: boolean }

Setting up Configuration,Error messages and Scaning title messages

  setUpConfig: () => {
      var config = {
         setFaceBlurPercentage: 80,   // 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face
         setHologramDetection: true,  // true to check hologram on face
         setLowLightTolerance: 10,    // 0 for full dark document and 100 for full bright document
         setMotionThreshold: 25,      // 1 - allows 1% motion on document and 100 - it can not detect motion and allow document to scan.
         setMinGlarePercentage: 6,    // Set min percentage for glare
         setMaxGlarePercentage: 99,   // Set max percentage for glare
         setBlurPercentage: 60,       //0 for clean document and 100 for Blurry document

        isDocumentLivenessEnable:true, //set false to disable Document Liveness
        API_Timer:20, // Set the API calling timer
        isShowProgressDialogue:true, //false to disable Progress Dialogue
        documentLivenessURL:"Your URL", //Add you Document Liveness URL
        progressDialogue:"API Calling..." //Add Loading Text


      var accuraConfigs = {
        enableLogs: 0,
        isShowLogo: 1,     //To hide Logo pass 0
        isFlipImg: 1,      //To hide flip animation pass 0
        CameraScreen_CornerBorder_Enable: true, //To enable corner border frame pass true
        CameraScreen_Border_Width: 15,
        Disable_Card_Name: false, //To disable taking card name automatically pass true
        CameraScreen_Frame_Color: '#D5323F',  //Pass a Hex Code to change frame color
        CameraScreen_Text_Color: '#FFFFFF',    //Pass a Hex Code to change text color
        CameraScreen_Text_Border_Color: '#000000', //Pass a Hex Code to change text border color
        CameraScreen_Color: '#80000000',  //Pass a Hex Code to change Camera Screen Background color
        CameraScreen_Back_Button: 1,   //Pass 0 to hide back button in iOS
        CameraScreen_Change_Button: 1,   //Pass 0 to hide flip camera button
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION: 'Keep Document Steady',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME: 'Keep document in frame',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME: 'Bring card near to frame',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING: 'Processing...',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT: 'Blur detect in document',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR: 'Blur detected over face',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT: 'Glare detect in document',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM: 'Hologram Detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT: 'Low lighting detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE: 'Face not detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ: 'MRZ not detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ: 'Passport MRZ not detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ: 'ID MRZ not detected',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ: 'Visa MRZ not detected',
          'Document is upside down. Place it properly',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE: 'Scanning wrong side of Document',
      var accuraTitleMsg = {
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT: 'Scan Front side of ',
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK: 'Scan Back side of ',
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR: 'Scan ',
        SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT: 'Scan Front Side of Document',
        SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK: 'Scan Back Side of Document',
        SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE: 'Scan Number plate',
        SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE: 'Scan Barcode',
        SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD: 'Scan BankCard',

      function success(result){

Method for scan OCR documents.

      function success(result){
        },function error(error){

Success: JSON Response Error: String

Last updated