Setup Accura Face Match
Require accuraface.license
to implement AccuraFaceMatch SDK in to your app
Add following code in Manifest.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Open auto capture camera
FMCameraScreenCustomization cameraScreenCustomization = new FMCameraScreenCustomization();
cameraScreenCustomization.backGroundColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.fm_camera_Background);
cameraScreenCustomization.closeIconColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.fm_camera_CloseIcon);
cameraScreenCustomization.feedbackBackGroundColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.fm_camera_feedbackBg);
cameraScreenCustomization.feedbackTextColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.fm_camera_feedbackText);
cameraScreenCustomization.feedbackTextSize = 18;
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackframeMessage = "Frame Your Face";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackAwayMessage = "Move Phone Away";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackOpenEyesMessage = "Keep Your Eyes Open";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackCloserMessage = "Move Phone Closer";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackCenterMessage = "Move Phone Center";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackMultipleFaceMessage = "Multiple Face Detected";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackHeadStraightMessage = "Keep Your Head Straight";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackBlurFaceMessage = "Blur Detected Over Face";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackGlareFaceMessage = "Glare Detected";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackLowLightMessage = "Low light detected";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedbackDialogMessage = "Loading...";
cameraScreenCustomization.feedBackProcessingMessage = "Processing...";
cameraScreenCustomization.showlogo = 0; // Set 0 to hide logo from selfie camera screen
cameraScreenCustomization.logoIcon = R.drawable.your_logo; // To set your custom logo
// FMCameraScreenCustomization.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT to set selfie camera
// FMCameraScreenCustomization.CAMERA_FACING_BACK to set rear camera
cameraScreenCustomization.facing = FMCameraScreenCustomization.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT;
// 0 for full dark face and 100 for full bright face or set it -1 to remove low light filter
// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter
cameraScreenCustomization.setBlurPercentage(80/*blurPercentage*/); // To allow blur on face
// Set min and max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter
cameraScreenCustomization.setGlarePercentage(6/*glareMinPercentage*/, 99/*glareMaxPercentage*/);
Intent intent = SelfieFMCameraActivity.getCustomIntent(this, cameraScreenCustomization);
startActivityForResult(intent, ACCURA_FACEMATCH_CAMERA);
// Handle accura fm camera result.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
if (requestCode == ACCURA_LIVENESS_CAMERA && data != null) {
AccuraFMCameraModel result = data.getParcelableExtra("");
if (result == null) {
if (result.getStatus().equals("1")) {
// result bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = result.getFaceBiometrics();
Toast.makeText(this, "Success", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Failed" + result.getStatus(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Implement face match code manually to your activity.
Important Grant Camera and storage Permission.
must have to implements FaceCallback to your activity
ImageView image1,image2;
// Initialized facehelper in onCreate.
FaceHelper helper = new FaceHelper(this);
TextView tvFaceMatch = findViewById(;
tvFaceMatch.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
********** For faceMatch
// To pass two image uri for facematch.
// @params uri1 is for input image
// @params uri2 is for match image
helper.getFaceMatchScore(uri1, uri2);
// also use some other method for face match
// Make sure to call "helper.setInputImage" first, followed by "helper.setMatchImage".
// helper.setInputImage(uri1);
// helper.setMatchImage(uri2);
// Override methods for FaceCallback
public void onFaceMatch(float score) {
// get face match score
System.out.println("Match Score : " + ss + " %");
public void onSetInputImage(Bitmap src1) {
// set Input image to your view
public void onSetMatchImage(Bitmap src2) {
// set Match image to your view
public void onInitEngine(int ret) {
public void onLeftDetect(FaceDetectionResult faceResult) {
if (faceResult != null) {
// do some code
public void onRightDetect(FaceDetectionResult faceResult) {
if (faceResult != null) {
// do some code
public void onExtractInit(int ret) {
And take a look for full working example.
Optional: Load License File Dynamically
If you prefer to place the license file dynamically, you can use the following method. This allows you to specify the license file path at runtime. For a demo of dynamic licensing, please refer to the dynamic_license_demo branch.
Simple Usage to face match in your app.
// Just add FaceMatchActivity to your manifest:
<activity android:name="com.accurascan.facematch.ui.FaceMatchActivity"/>
// Start Intent to open activity
Intent intent = new Intent(this, FaceMatchActivity.class);
Last updated