SDK Setup
yarn add
npm i
Import npm library into file.
import AccurascanKyc from 'accurascan_kyc';
Setup Android
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories.
Add it in your app/build.gradle file.
Setup iOS
1.Install Git LFS using command install brew install git-lfs
OR port install git-lfs
Verify that the installation was successful:
2.Add the following in your podfile use_frameworks!
below prepare_react_native_project!
and comment this line :flipper_configuration => flipper_config
take reference from here
3.Run pod install
Note: Add the NFC Entitlement in your target
Add this permissions into iOS Info.plist file.
Setup Accura Scan licenses into your projects
Accura Scan has two license require for use full functionality of this library. To generate your Accura Scan license contact .
This license is compulsory for this library to work. it will get all setup of accura SDK..
For Android
For iOS
Last updated