Setup Accura MRZ

To initialize sdk on app start:

import AccuraOCR
var accuraCameraWrapper: AccuraCameraWrapper? = nil
var arrCountryList = NSMutableArray()
accuraCameraWrapper = AccuraCameraWrapper.init()
	let sdkModel = accuraCameraWrapper.loadEngine(your PathForDirectories)
	if (sdkModel.i > 0) {
		if(sdkModel!.isMRZEnable) {
			self.arrCountryList.add("All MRZ")
			// ID MRZ
			// Visa MRZ
			// Passport MRZ
			// All MRZ

Optional: Load License File Dynamically

If you prefer to place the license file dynamically, you can use the following function. This method allows you to specify the license file path at runtime

let documentDirectory = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String

let sdkModel = accuraCameraWrapper?.loadEngine("Your License Path", documentDirectory: documentDirectory)
  • Note:- For a demo of dynamic licensing, please refer to the branch "dynamic_license_demo".

Update filters config like below.

Call this function after initialize sdk if license is valid(sdkModel.i > 0)

  • Set Blur Percentage to allow blur on document

// 0 for clean document and 100 for Blurry document
  • Set Blur Face Percentage to allow blur on detected Face

// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face
  • Set Glare Percentage to detect Glare on document

// Set min and max percentage for glare
accuraCameraWrapper?.setGlarePercentage(6/*minPercentage*/, 98/*maxPercentage*/)
  • Set Photo Copy to allow photocopy document or not

// Set allow photocopy document or not
  • Set Hologram detection to verify the hologram on the face

// true to check hologram on face
  • Set Low Light Tolerance to allow lighting to detect documant

// 0 for full dark document and 100 for full bright document
  • Set motion threshold to detect motion on camera document

// 1 - allows 1% motion on document and
// 100 - it can not detect motion and allow document to scan.
  • Sets camera Facing front or back camera

  • Flip camera

  • Set Front/Back Side Scan


Set CameraView

import AccuraOCR
import AVFoundation
var accuraCameraWrapper: AccuraCameraWrapper? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // initialize Camera for OCR,MRZ,DLplate and BankCard
    accuraCameraWrapper = AccuraCameraWrapper.init(delegate: self, andImageView: /*setImageView*/ _imageView, andLabelMsg: */setLable*/ lblOCRMsg, andurl: */your PathForDirectories*/ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0] as String, cardId: /*setCardId*/ Int32(cardid!), countryID: /*setcountryid*/ Int32(countryid!), isScanOCR:/*Bool*/ isCheckScanOCR, andcardName:/*string*/  docName, andcardType: Int32(cardType/*2 = DLPlate And 3 = bankCard*/), andMRZDocType: /*SetMRZDocumentType*/ Int32(MRZDocType!/*0 = AllMRZ, 1 = PassportMRZ, 2 = IDMRZ, 3 = VisaMRZ*/))
    // initialize Camera for Barcode and PDF417 driving license
    accuraCameraWrapper = AccuraCameraWrapper.init(delegate: self, andImageView: imageView, andLabelMsg: lblBottamMsg, andurl: 1, isBarcodeEnable: isBarcodeEnabled/*set true for barcode and false for PDF417 driving license*/, countryID: Int32(self.countryid!), setBarcodeType: .all/*set barcode types*/)
	//Set min frame for qatar ID card
	//call this function before start camera
	accuraCameraWrapper?.setMinFrameForValidate(3) // Supports only odd number values

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
	accuraCameraWrapper = nil

extension ViewController: VideoCameraWrapperDelegate{
	//it sets ViewLayer border according to card image
	func  onUpdateLayout(_ frameSize: CGSize, borderRatio: Float) {
	frameSize:- get layer frame size
	borderRatio:- get layer ratio
	func isBothSideAvailable(_ isBothAvailable: Bool) {
	func recognizeSucceed(_ scanedInfo: NSMutableDictionary!, recType: RecType, bRecDone: Bool, bFaceReplace: Bool, bMrzFirst: Bool, photoImage: UIImage, docFrontImage: UIImage!, docbackImage: UIImage!) {
		scanedInfo :- get MRZ data.
		photoImage:- get a document face Image.
		docFrontImage:- get document frontside image.
		docbackImage:- get document backside image.

	// it calls when recieve error message
	func reco_msg(_ messageCode: String!) {
		var message = String()
		if messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION {
			message = "Keep Document Steady";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME) {
			message = "Keep document in frame";
			message = "Bring card near to frame";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING) {
			message = "Processing...";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT) {
			message = "Blur detect in document";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR) {
			message = "Blur detected over face";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT) {
			message = "Glare detect in document";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM) {
			message = "Hologram Detected";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT) {
			message = "Low lighting detected";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT) {
			message = "Can not accept Photo Copy Document";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE) {
			message = "Face not detected";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ) {
			message = "MRZ not detected";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ) {
			message = "Passport MRZ not detected";
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ) {
			message = "ID MRZ not detected"
		} else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ) {
			message = "Visa MRZ not detected"
		}else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE) {
			message = "Document is upside down. Place it properly"
		}else if(messageCode == ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE) {
			message = "Scanning wrong side of Document"
		}else {
			message = message;

// it calls when update title messages
func reco_titleMessage(_ messageCode: Int32) {
    var msg: String = ""
    switch messageCode {
        case SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT:
            msg = "Scan Front Side of Document"
        case SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK:
            msg = "Scan Back Side of Document"

Last updated