Accura Face Match

To generate your Accura Scan license contact

Step 1: Add licence file in to your project.

accuraface.license for Accura Scan Face Match

Make sure to rename your license with proper name and format which is accuraface with extension license, eventually will look like accuraface.license.

Step 2: Add FaceView.swift file in your project.

Step 3: Open auto capture camera

  • import the module name import AccuraLiveness_fm if you are using AccuraLiveness_FM pod

// To customize your screen theme and feed back messages
var facematch = Facematch()
facematch.setFeedBackframeMessage("Frame Your Face")
facematch.setFeedBackAwayMessage("Move Phone Away")
facematch.setFeedBackOpenEyesMessage("Keep Open Your Eyes")
facematch.setFeedBackCloserMessage("Move Phone Closer")
facematch.setFeedBackCenterMessage("Center Your Face")
facematch.setFeedbackMultipleFaceMessage("Multiple face detected")
facematch.setFeedBackFaceSteadymessage("Keep Your Head Straight")
facematch.setFeedBackLowLightMessage("Low light detected")
facematch.setFeedBackBlurFaceMessage("Blur detected over face")
facematch.setFeedBackGlareFaceMessage("Glare detected")

// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face
facematch.setBlurPercentage(80) // set blure percentage -1 to remove this filter

// Set min and max percentage for glare
facematch.setGlarePercentage(6, 99) //set glaremin -1 and glaremax -1 to remove this filter

Step 4: To Start Facematch


Step 5: Detect face image

// it calls when Face image
func facematchData(_ FaceImage: UIImage!) {
// it calls when Facematch camera view dissappear
func facematchViewDisappear() {

Step 6: Implement face match code manually to your activity.

Important Grant Camera and storage Permission.

//if you are using Accura kyc pod need to import module 'import AccuraOCR' and if you using FaceMatchSDK pod need to import module 'import FaceMatchSDK'
import AccuraOCR
override func viewDidLoad() {
	 * FaceMatch SDK method to check if engine is initiated or not
	 * Return: true or false
	let fmInit = EngineWrapper.isEngineInit()
	if !fmInit{
		 * FaceMatch SDK method initiate SDK engine

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
	 * Facematch SDK method to get SDK engine status after initialization
	 * Return: -20 = Face Match license key not found, -15 = Face Match license is invalid.
	let fmValue = EngineWrapper.getEngineInitValue() //get engineWrapper load status
	if fmValue == -20{
		// key not found
	}else if fmValue == -15{
		// License Invalid

//make sure close FaceEngine when view disappear
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

 * This method use calculate faceMatch score
 * Parameters to Pass: selected uiimage
func setFaceRegion(_ image: UIImage) {
	var faceRegion : NSFaceRegion?
	 * Accura Face SDK method to detect user face from document image
	 * Param: Document image
	 * Return: User Face
	faceRegion = EngineWrapper.detectSourceFaces(image)
	let face1 : NSFaceRegion? = faceView1.getFaceRegion(); // Get image data
	if (face1 == nil) {
		 * Accura Face SDK method to detect user face from document image
		 * Param: Document image
		 * Return: User Face
		faceRegion = EngineWrapper.detectSourceFaces(image);
	} else {
		 * Accura Face SDK method to detect user face from selfie or camera stream
		 * Params: User photo, user face found in document scanning
		 * Return: User face from user photo
		faceRegion = EngineWrapper.detectTargetFaces(image, feature1: face1?.feature);
	if (selectFirstImage){
		if (faceRegion != nil){
			 * SDK method call to draw square face around
			 * @Params: BackImage, Front Image faceRegion Data
		let face2 : NSFaceRegion? = faceView2.getFaceRegion(); // Get image data
		if (face2 != nil) {
			let face1 : NSFaceRegion? = faceView1.getFaceRegion(); // Get image data
			var faceRegion2 : NSFaceRegion?
			if (face1 == nil){
				 * Accura Face SDK method to detect user face from document image
				 * Param: Document image
				 * Return: User Face
				faceRegion2 = EngineWrapper.detectSourceFaces(face2?.image)
				 * Accura Face SDK method to detect user face from selfie or camera stream
				 * Params: User photo, user face found in document scanning
				 * Return: User face from user photo
				faceRegion2 = EngineWrapper.detectTargetFaces(face2?.image, feature1: face2?.feature)  //Identify face in back image which found in front
			if(faceRegion2 != nil){
			     * SDK method call to draw square face around
				 * @Params: BackImage, Front Image faceRegion Data
				 * SDK method call to draw square face around
				 * @Params: BackImage, Front faceRegion Image
	} else if(faceRegion != nil){
	 * SDK method call to draw square face around
	 * @Params: BackImage, Front Image faceRegion Data
	 * SDK method call to draw square face around
	 * @Params: BackImage, Front faceRegion Image
	let face1:NSFaceRegion? = faceView1.getFaceRegion() // Get image data
	let face2:NSFaceRegion? = faceView2.getFaceRegion() // Get image data
	 * FaceMatch SDK method call to get FaceMatch Score
	 * @Params: FrontImage Face, BackImage Face
	 * @Return: Match Score
	let fmSore = EngineWrapper.identify(face1?.feature, featurebuff2: face2?.feature)
	let twoDecimalPlaces = String(format: "%.2f", fmSore*100) //Match score Convert Float Value
	print(Match Score :- "\(twoDecimalPlaces) %")

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