Face Liveness
Face Liveness Check is used for Customer Verification and Authentication. It Protects You from Identity Theft & Spoofing Attacks Using Active and Passive Selfie Technology for Liveness Check.
Last updated
Face Liveness Check is used for Customer Verification and Authentication. It Protects You from Identity Theft & Spoofing Attacks Using Active and Passive Selfie Technology for Liveness Check.
Last updated
Pull AccuraLiveness Docker image using the command docker pull accurascan/faceliveness:<latest tag>
Visit https://hub.docker.com/r/accurascan/faceliveness to check the latest version available
Run the docker by using the command: sudo docker run -dp port-you-want-accuraliveness-to-run-on:443 -- restart=always accurascan/faceliveness:<latest tag>
To generate your Accura Scan license contact sales@accurascan.com
Upload your license accessing "https://<yourdomain:port>" using a browser, Example is shown in the image below.
Use https://your-domain-or-ip.com:port/upload.php (POST request) to access the API, an example post request as shown below.
Upload your image file
The preferred threshold is 55%, meaning that if an image achieves a score above this threshold, the face shown is considered Live; otherwise, it is identified as a Spoof.