Project Setup

Product Installation:

Add plugin

$ cordova plugin add <absolute-path-to-(cordova-accura-kyc-pl)-folder>


cordova plugin add I:\accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc-pl

Create Your Own Accura Scan License

Accura Scan requires two licenses to enable the full functionality of this library. To generate your own Accura license, you can follow the link provided here.

The first license, "key.license," is mandatory for the library to function properly. It includes all the necessary setup for the Accura SDK. The second license, "accuraface.license," is used to obtain the face match percentages between two face pictures. To set up the licenses, follow these steps:

  1. Create an "assets" folder under app/src/main in your project directory.

  2. Place the license files in the assets folder:

• key.license (for Accura Scan OCR) • accuraface.license (for Accura Scan Face Match) By following these instructions, you will properly set up the licenses by adding the license files to the designated assets folder.

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